Encourage Yourself in the Lord

Power Down Media
3 min readMay 18, 2019

We know the importance of encouraging others, but do we really know how to effectively encourage ourselves? And how is this possible in a world of daily pressures?

King David often endured harrowing situations, and the pressure was immense. One day, as he and his men were returning from yet another military expedition, they discovered that in their absence, their enemies had stolen their wives, children, and wealth.

Discouraged, angry, and bitter, David’s companions spoke of getting revenge by stoning David to death. However, he was facing the same pressures as them, not to mention the additional responsibility of royalty. But David kept his eyes fixed on the Lord to conquer his internal and external pressures!

The pressure can be intense when:

  • You have no one left around you,
  • No one can understand you,
  • Everyone is against you, etc.

This is what saved the king: “David encouraged himself in the Lord his God.”(the Bible, 1 Samuel 30:6, KJV) While the others wallowed in their misery and sought revenge, David encouraged himself, deciding to seek God to solve his problems. “To encourage” is the act of transferring courage, inspiration, and resolution.

The way you respond in times of difficulty determines the level of success you will have in life. Your ability to encourage and strengthen yourself in difficult times is proportional to the measure of intimacy you have with the Lord.

If David had given up, he never would’ve recovered everything the devil had stolen from him. If he had succumbed to the thoughts of discouragement and failure that had to have been going around and around his mind, he never would’ve met the servant who led him to victory. (read 1 Samuel 30:8)

I encourage you to learn how to encourage yourself. Know that the closer you walk to God, the more positive and victorious your attitude will be! Turn your attention towards the only One who can truly help you in time of need. He has a plan for your life!

I encourage you to walk your daily life with Jesus. Sing it out with this song by Hillsong, ‘With All I Am’. 🎶 https://youtu.be/mUtJz7H_DCE

I’ll walk with You, wherever You go
Through tears and joy, I’ll trust in You
And I will live in all of Your ways
And Your promises forever

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