Several times throughout the Bible, we can see God speaking to His people, especially through the voice of His prophets.
Isaiah announced Jesus’s coming and prophesied the saving work that our God would accomplish hundreds of years later. The prophet gives us a crucial piece of information about Jesus: “And the Spirit of the Lord will rest on him — the Spirit of wisdom and understanding, the Spirit of counsel and might, the Spirit of knowledge and the fear of the Lord.” (read Isaiah 11:2)
In other words, Jesus would continually be inspired by the Holy Spirit, always sensitive to His voice. And that’s exactly what we read in the gospels: each of Jesus’s actions and decisions on Earth was perfect and divinely inspired.
The Holy Spirit dwells in you (read 1 Corinthians 3:16)…did you know that? He is your friend, your faithful counselor. And He speaks to you…believe it! Let me share this small piece of advice: if you “hear a voice in your mind,” if a thought goes through your head, like a sharpened arrow, does it…
▪️ Encourage you?
▪️ Bring you, peace?
▪️ Inspire you with the solution to your problems?
▪️ Then it’s certainly the Holy Spirit speaking to you!
On the other hand, if this “voice” is oppressing you, making you doubt, saddening you, be assured that it’s the enemy of your soul speaking…keeping in mind your own thoughts, of course, that is sometimes negative.
What if you choose to be more sensitive, receptive, and attentive to the Holy Spirit’s voice? He only asks to communicate with you to lead you to victory, prevent you from pitfalls, and teach you all about the Father’s heart…
Receive from Him “wisdom and understanding, knowledge and the fear of the Lord” as we pray together…“Holy Spirit, I open my heart and remain silent so I can receive the Father’s directions. I want to listen to You and be led by You in every area of my life. In Jesus’s name, amen.”
All day long and every day be attentive because the Holy Spirit wants to communicate with you!